16 Annoying Things About The Previous iPhones That The iPhone 6 Will Fix.

With every release of a new iPhone model comes the heavy anticipation of new features. It’s not just about what the new phone will have, but what stupid things you couldn’t avoid on the last phone that will be taken care of this time around.

This year in particular, Apple has got its users covered.
With the release of the iPhone 6 and iPhone Plus on its way, and the new operating system that will come with it, there will definitely be some irritating problems, if even subtle ones, that you never have to deal with again.

Here are 16 annoying things about previous iPhones that the new ones will fix:

You No Longer Have To Upload Your Photos To Your Mac

Uploading pictures from your phone to another Apple device can be an incredibly tedious process, but with the iPhone 6, that process will be rendered obsolete.
All photos taken with the iPhone 6 will automatically be shared on your iCloud photo Library, which can be accessed across all Apple devices.

The Apple Spotlight Feature Will Actually Serve A Purpose

Spotlight, otherwise known as the search bar that can be accessed by pressing and pulling down on your home screen, will be refined on the iPhone 6.
If you search a name, for instance, spotlight will do more than simply show you where the name has come in text or mail conversations. It will now be able to show results for movie times, directions and Wikipedia.

You’ll No Longer Have To Awkwardly Reach To The Top Of Your Phone To Turn It Off

The power button on the new iPhones will be placed on the side of the phone. Comfy.

You Can Use WiFi Connection To Improve Call Reception

There are some things that should just be able to happen. When you’re in a building with not-so-good cell reception, but great WiFi, you should be able to use that WiFi connection to make calls. Apple’s newest phones will now make that a reality with WiFi calling.

Pick Up Where You Left Off

If you’ve read an article on your phone, say, on a train ride to work, you can easily pick up where you left off on your iPad or Mac later on with the “handoff” features.

Faster Camera Focus

Apple’s new iPhone cameras take half the time the focus that the 5s required, which means less time spent awkwardly waiting as you hold an iPhone up, waiting for a camera to focus on that family of tourists that asked you to grab a flick.

Lazy Voice Messages

When you’re lying on your back on a day off, for instance, and can’t be bothered with having to type letters, you can now press a microphone icon and then a record button to send a voice message within the messaging app.

Annoying Group Messaging Be Gone

Especially made for that group chat that you don’t have the heart to blatantly walk out of, there is now a “do not disturb” feature. Finally.

Smarter Portrait-To-Landscape Switching

If you hold your phone in a vertical position while using the keyboard, for instance, and switch the phone into a horizontal position, the keyboard will reflect that change by displaying more keys. In similar fashion, the home screen would display more apps, and so on.

Improved LTE Quality

With the new iPhones, your LTE connection will improve by 50 percent over the iPhone 5s, with speeds for the new models traveling at 150 mbps (megabits per second) as opposed to the 100 mbps of the iPhone 5s

Improved WiFi, Too

Apple’s newest models will provide WiFi connection speeds that are three times faster than the iPhone 5s.

Your Fingerprint Isn’t Just Limited To Screen Locking

Instead of limiting the use of your fingerprint to simply unlock your phone, you can now use that handy thumb of yours to make purchases and downloads on iTunes without having to enter your username or password.

Improved Selfie-Performance

Oh my God, okay. So this is, like, the best feature of them all. Apple’s new burst mode, which allows the front-facing camera lens (otherwise known as the selfie shot), can take up to 10 pictures per second, 10!
That’s crucial for any selfie-taking individual who’d normally spend an hour trying to capture the perfect shot.

You’ll Know Your iPhone Loves You Because You’ll Complete Each Other’s Sentences

Your new iPhone will recognize who you speak to and the ways in which you speak to them. With time, the “quick type” feature will begin suggesting words to you, in little boxes above your keyboard, that are “contextually appropriate” for certain conversations with certain people.

Reply In Notifications

You’re on Safari, scrolling down a page, enjoying a nice Elite Daily article perhaps, when that notification of a new text or Twitter message comes you don’t really want interrupt your reading pleasure, do you?
Apple’s new system of notifications allows you to reply to them within the notification itself, instead of having to load the app from which it came. Simple.

iCloud Drive

Ah, convenience. With iCloud Drive, you’ll be able to access the files saved on any one of your Apple devices and access it another.

c/o Elite Daily

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